Tomi’s Story
Tomi’s Story
I used to work at an animal shelter. While the work was rewarding, one thing I would notice over and over again is that many dogs would be surrendered because they became unmanageable.
The story was usually the same: owners would get a dog as a puppy not realizing that a puppy needs to learn to be in a family. So when the dog got older and more challenging to handle, they would end up either giving it away or surrendering it to a shelter or rescue. It became clear after working with many of these dogs in the shelter that with just a little training the dogs’ behavior would dramatically improve leading to successful adoptions and many Happy Dogs In Happy Homes.
This is why I’m so passionate about A Dog In The Family. We want to keep Happy Dogs In Happy Homes.
Through our community of dog owners, future dog owners and trainers, and with resources on our website, we will provide tools for you to find the trainer and training you need, and to gain insight into the joys and challenges of having A Dog In The Family.
Your friend, Tomi!